

Swansea Institute of Higher EducationUndergraduate6.0
Swansea Institute of Higher EducationPostgraduate6.0
Swansea Institute of Higher EducationFoundation6.0
Swansea Institute of Higher EducationGeneral6.5
Swindon CollegeUndergraduate6.56
Swindon CollegePostgraduate6.56
Swindon CollegeHND6.0
Swindon CollegeFE Courses5.5
Swindon CollegeGeneral6.5
Tameside CollegeUndergraduate6.0
Tameside CollegePostgraduate6.0
Tameside CollegeFoundation6.0
Tameside CollegeGeneral6.5
Teeside UniversityUndergraduate6.0
Teeside UniversityPostgraduate6.56.5
The Arts Institute at BournemouthUndergraduate6.5
The Arts Institute at BournemouthPostgraduate6.5
The Arts Institute at BournemouthOther6.5
The British American CollegeUndergraduate6.0
The British American CollegePostgraduate7.0
The British American CollegeGeneral6.5
University of London Institute in ParisUndergraduate6.5
University of London Institute in ParisPostgraduate6.5
University of London Institute in ParisOther6.5
British School of OsteopathyGeneral6.5
The Liverpool Institute for Performing ArtsUndergraduate6.5
The Liverpool Institute for Performing ArtsPostgraduate6.5
The Liverpool Institute for Performing ArtsOther6.5
The Peoples College NottinghamHND6.0
The University of ManchesterUndergraduate7.0
The University of ManchesterPostgraduate7.0
Totton CollegeUndergraduate6.5
Totton CollegePostgraduate6.5
Totton CollegeOther6.5
Trinity and All Saint's College, Leeds6.5
Trinity College of MusicUndergraduate6.5
Trinity College of MusicPostgraduate6.5
Trinity College of MusicOther6.5
UHI MillenniumPostgraduate6.0
UHI MillenniumUndergraduate6.0
UHI MillenniumFoundation5.0
University of UlsterPostgraduate6.0
University of UlsterUndergraduate6.0
University of UlsterFoundation6.0
University of UlsterUndergraduate Speech and language therapy7.5
University of UlsterUndergraduate Nursing6.5
University of UlsterPostgraduate Physiotherapy7.0
University of ChesterGeneral6.5
University College DublinPostgraduate6.5
University College DublinUndergraduate6.5
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

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